Our brushed capsule represents our version of “Shetland Heritage” but with a softer touch thanks to the ancient and artisanal technique of natural carding with vegetable ribbon. The Brushing technique, updating pure merinos wool, gives to our garments a unique and rustic appeal.


The “Chunky knit”capsule stand out for its outerwear garments, such as custom Knitted parka and jacket and Milano stitch knitted over-shirt and ribbed blazer. These garment have a personal and strong image but are easy to wear and comfortable thanks to the comfort of knitwear.


The “colordrop” is our energizing capsule. A Fun, colorful, sunny version of traditional knit stitches for a fresh new image. This capsule stands out for its Hand made Tie and Dye, artisanal dip dye and its colorful palette which are customized in exclusive just for Wool&co collection.


Quality, sustainability and resistance over time are the words that best describe “for future”Capsule. We have decided to innovate by looking to the past, placing respect for time and placing back nature at the center of our world. These garment are made with sustainable, high-quality yarns, washed, combed, dyed and spun entirely in Italy.

The wools we have chosen are mule-sing free and a retraceable in every phase.

The yarn we used, in addition to being of excellent quality, it is more over respectful of the environment and the well being of sheep and human being. For us sustainability is the heart of everything, we do and we continually strive to bring you well designed product without compromising on ethics.


The “Oldsalt” is our traditional capsule, it takes inspiration from the life on the high sea. The garments, lighten from the salt, assume a unique and timeless appeal. We created it using the artisanal technique of salt washing the garments. With its rough, strong image but the soft touch of pure merinos wool, this capsule stands for the most authentic wool&co soul.


Our  “Origin ” Capsule represents wool&co original dna. With its great balance between creativity, quality and value, this capsule stands out for its unique details and a young appeal with an updated fit.


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